RODENT CONTROL TIPS | Richmond, Sugar Land, Katy

Rats and mice are common throughout Texas and most home owners will have to deal with rodents at one time or another. We can supply and install baits, traps and provide mechanical exclusion for rodent control. In addition, here are some tips in dealing with rodents:

Identify the signs of a rodent infestation

  • Droppings
  • Chewing marks / damaged food packages
  • Holes/burrows
  • Rub marks on walls
  • Sightings

Glue Boards

Place boards wherever droppings are located or by damaged product, no baiting needed, but can increase number caught. Boards may also be placed along side walls in active areas or placed inside tube or box to protect non-target pets or children.

Snap Traps
Snap traps should be placed perpendicular to the wall forcing the rodent to cross over the trap or run around trap. Multiple traps can be laid end to end with triggers facing in opposite directions. For mice, peanut butter is okay to bait trap or colored yarn. For rats, bait should be firmly attached to trigger of trap. The best bait is whatever the rats have been eating in your situation, colored yarn will also work. Add a little salt to increase attractiveness of bait.

Multiple Catch Traps
This is the most effective way to trap a large number of mice. Traps are laid horizontally along the wall where mice are active. Space traps no further than 25 feet apart along wall and on either side of every door. No bait is necessary but does increase attractiveness of trap to mice, remember to check traps regularly.

Contrary to what you may have heard, rodenticides do not force the rodent to go outside to die! Rodenticides should always be placed out of reach of children and non-target animals. All rodenticides are poisonous to people and pets. Rodenticides can be used to clean out large populations or as a maintenance program to kill occasional rodent problems. Baiting outside in tamper-resistant bait boxes provides year round protection. Baits in the attic, in the garage and storage buildings work well but still need to be protected.

In addition to eliminating these pests from your home, you want to do everything possible to reduce the possibility that they will return. We offer Exclusion Services for just that purpose.

What is an Exclusion Service? We are so glad you asked.
Pest exclusion is an essential component of a complete pest management plan. It is your first line of defense against a pest invasion. The first step in this process is to thoroughly inspect the building for vulnerable areas and fortify them wherever possible. The key to pest exclusion is sealing and securing all possible points of entry into the dwelling. Sealing gaps and crevices will help prevent rodents and pests such as cockroaches, rats or mice from easily entering and traveling from one area of your home to another without being seen. 

The idea behind this integrated pest management tactic is that it’s much easier (and safer for the environment) to simply keep pests out than to reverse an infestation once it takes hold.

Copper Wool Exclusion

Your brick/stone home has openings in your exterior wall. These openings (weep holes) are designed to allow moisture between your exterior and interior walls to escape by vaporization. The openings are placed above the sill plate between the studs. These weep holes are created by leaving out the mortar between brick and stone joints.

Most insects that crawl will access your home through these weep holes or through thresholds of doors or window sills.

You would never leave the doors or windows of your home open all the time. They are there to bar unwanted guests from your home. A window can be screened to prevent insects from gaining entry. A weep hole can also be screened to prevent insects from gaining entry while still allowing the moisture to escape.

Products used for exclusion services

We service Fort Bend County, West Harris County, and other surrounding communities